Autonomy-OS Notes

Recentering the


A language spoken by the user through gesture to evolve their system.

Clean these notes up!!!

Clicking on a card, and searching its contents.

Specific Setups


What if there was a list inspector view that you could drop your list in, and it would create a side window showing you the last clicked element. Window management.

Maybe when a card is in a list, the card itself shouldn't know what happens you click on it. Maybe the list should know and emit an event. And peerhaps by default that event is for the list to push a copy of the card out of a pipe? And then another card can take that card and expand it?(every card has a small → medium → large version of itself)

What if a list view exported a selection, and you could write an equation like:

List.currentelement = Sideview.activeElement

Video Notes

This setup, but with cards:


Expanding a page horizontally, so its content flows in columns. Esp. for TOCs like the Summary of The Language in APL. Then you can click and drag links out of it. Like in:

Tearing off transcluded/quotebacked things.

Freeform hyperetext browsing.


This guy is using the Photo Booth app to get his face into the screen recording.

People should be able to create a card that contains a presentation on one side and a video-view on the other.

Virtuosity and Language

You can become a virtuoso pianist or a virtuoso python programmer. It's impossible to become a virtuoso computer user because the rules of the system are so inconsistent. If you look at primitive math(like euclid 🚂Personal Notes on "Video Games and the Future of Education") iit's hard to see how you could "standardize"(find better word for this) the freeform text descriptions- perhaps early mathematicians would have said the freeform text is essential! Perhaps fear from what you would lose if you compressed it somehow. But clearly symbolic mathematics is easier, and it lets you develop a skill: the skill of symbol manipulation, which is both a learning aid and a "doing" aid. We don't have that for construcing interfaces on the fly.


Perhaps each tap into a deeper level is also an unfolding expansion. Like a comic book.

Maybe when you drag a window onto another window, you can chose what “glue” to use to bind them. The glue decides how they get rendered together. So there’s a bullet-point glue that binds windows together with some increasing left-padding.

Reality has a rich repository of binding mechanisms for as-hoc combinations of objects. Tape, glue, staples, paper clips etc all allow for different kinds of combinations with advantages and disadvantages. I want to have that same rich language of combination in my computer.

I feel like this is still a case of the “glue” acting more or less like a “container” to the nodes tho... perhaps for any given instance of a node, it should have back links to the glues it participates in. Then, when we render a node, we look at the glues it’s a part of and render those?

What if we only want to render a glue for a specific transclude instance of a card? Maybe you have to surround the card in another card and glue there? Is that convoluted?

Demo Flow

demo on ipad:

  • expand the email preview card
    • drag it into a workspace adjacent to the email client
    • edit the email preview in the workspace
    • see the email preview synchronized to the edits
    • then "push changes to master"
    • optionally create a "commit message" maybe
    • hypothesis annotation of email contents. And replying using the annotations. Maybe forking the sent-card?


How would I do calendars in the card UI metaphor?

Hmmm I feel like I’ve been down this road with Dango before lol


Object Permanence

In the system, it is significant for a card to be created. That card has a life cycle and a permanence to it. You can annotate and remix it, and it will keep those changes when you next pull it up.

It’s like with actual mail. The mail is permanently altered by your annotations. Of course, because it is a digital copy, it should be possible to see and restore old versions.

So what does this mean then in relation to the pattern that a card has many size based representations? If you annotate the title in the preview, should that be reflected in the main email?

I think so?