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“You know what you should be doing, but you don’t because IT’S SUCH A ****ING PAIN!”


Optimize your day

We all want to get our work done efficiently. It means less stress and more free time. You know it’s better to just focus and get it done- but it’s hard with all the distractions of modern life. Linetime makes it easy by keeping track of not just your tasks, but the time you spend on them as well. -It turns out this is really crucial.-

A simple process you can try out right now

Here’s a great technique to increase your productivity- and it doesn’t even need an app:

  1. With a pen and paper, write down the things you want to get done today.
  1. Break them down into tasks you can complete in 25-90 minutes
  1. Going through the list, start a kitchen timer for each task. After the timer goes off, take a short break, then start the next task.
  1. After going through 4 or so items, take a longer break. Repeat the process for as long as you want.

You might already know this, it’s called “time-boxing”, and it works really well.

Research in psychology has come to two conclusions why this works for so many people:

1: Making the plan in the first place get us into the right mindset. Since we’ve already invested time into a plan, it’s easy to transition into the work itself.

2: Our focus has a rhythm. It goes up and down as the day goes on. By breaking our time up into small periods of focused work with short breaks in between, our focus can get into the right groove.

That sounds really convoluted. So I have to keep track of timers and stuff too?

It is! It’s a huge pain to manage all of that. But here’s the thing, Linetime does most of the work for you. It starts with writing.

1 Write your plan out

Get this thing done

2 Assign times:

[30 minutes] Get this thing done

3 Give yourself some breaks

[30 minutes] Get this thing done [5 minutes] Take a break- go stretch [40 minutes] Get that thing done [5 minutes] Take a break- drink some water [40 mintues] Get that thing done [15 minutes] Talk with my friends on my favorite social network

Press Start

Now Linetime has all the information it needs to get you started on your productivity journey- just press play and you’re good to go.

More focus. Less Work. Less stress.