
Email Redesign

This project was inspired by the following quote from Bret Victor's essay, "Magic Ink":

Even consider reading email. Most current designs revolve around the manipulation of individual messages—reading them one-by-one, searching them, sorting them, filing them, deleting them. But the purpose of reading email has nothing to do with the messages themselves. I read email to keep a complex set of mental understandings up-to-date—the statuses of personal conversations, of projects at work, of invitations and appointments and business transactions and packages in the mail. That this information happens to be parceled out in timestamped chunks of text is an implementation detail of the communication process. It is not necessarily a good way to present the information to a learner.


But let's step back for a minute

What do we use email for? "Sending email" is a myopic definition. Like Bret said, the sending and receiving is just an implementation detail of communication. The actual activities are what should drive the UI decisions. I use email to:

Start with a dashboard?

10 unread responses


Katy responded positively to your request to chat

10 new emails


Jacob from Sequoia is interested in investing

3 emails need follow up

10 opens in the last week

4 newsletter items

Category Ideas